like “ lost points “ increase complexity manifold . Of course , all of this can be implemented with CodeMeter , and there are successful project use cases . But let ‘ s first look at a fourth alternative before you make a final decision .
Creation “ On Demand “ From my point of view , the most modern and flexible solution is to give your dealers the ability to generate licenses on demand . This is also the solution we at Wibu-Systems have implemented for our own licenses ; of course , using CodeMeter , CodeMeter License Central , and CodeMeter License Portal .
The dealer creates the license in CodeMeter License Portal , which then creates it in the background in CodeMeter License Central . In our own use , our dealer adds you as a customer in the Portal and automatically assigns the license to you .
Adding customers in the Portal is optional for the entire process , but it simplifies many processes for the vendor , the dealer , and the customer . Moreover , as a vendor , you receive information about which customer is using your software . In our information sheet on CodeMeter products and GDPR , you will find the legal basis for collecting this data , such as minimal data collection , legitimate interest , or the possibility of deletion .
This scenario combines the advantages of all the above methods : Licenses are flexible , precisely timed , and immediately available . Billing occurs only after creation . Periods , e . g ., for subscriptions , are automatically and correctly captured without special processes .
Of course , you may wonder what the disadvantages of this approach are . Let ‘ s look at two aspects : rights and billing .
Rights for the Dealer You give your dealers the right to create licenses themselves . Through CodeMeter License Portal , you can define for each dealer individually which licenses or license configurations the dealer can create themselves . You can also specify value ranges for individual parameters ,
e . g ., the minimum and maximum duration of a subscription . While the dealer can create licenses , you can see in which CmContainer the license was activated and use all options of CodeMeter License Central , such as recall or blacklisting , in case of unauthorized use .
As a bonus option , a point system for the permission to create licenses is possible . Then you only give your dealer the permission to create a certain number or value of licenses . Unlike the “ Point System “ option , where the points were delivered to the dealer , these points only exist in CodeMeter License Portal and are exchanged for real licenses on demand . Thus , transparency about the sold licenses remains . This point system can be implemented according to your individual wishes and requirements by our Professional Services Team together with you .
Billing Licenses The second aspect is billing . When the dealer creates the license , this information first lands in CodeMeter License Portal rather than in
your ERP system . We need a new process to transfer these billing data from CodeMeter License Portal to the ERP system .
Here , too , a point system could make the additional process unnecessary . You sell points to the dealer and bill them via the ERP system . The points are produced and delivered to the Portal . There , the dealer can exchange the points for the desired licenses .
But what about subscriptions ? And here the disadvantage of a separate process becomes a great advantage . I have often experienced in projects that ERP systems do not support subscriptions or that extensive adjustments , configurations , and additional modules are required .
CodeMeter License Portal creates a billing report for all licenses generated in the billing month and all subscriptions valid in the billing month . The billing can be done as an individual invoice per customer or license , but also as a collective invoice for the dealer . In the case of a collective invoice , the ERP system only creates the collective invoice , and the Portal serves as individual proof for the collective invoice . This is , for example , the process we at Wibu-Systems have implemented with our subsidiaries and partners . You can of course design the process differently for each dealer and also for customers if you like .
When billing subscriptions , you can configure the calculation of pro-rata subscriptions : Billing can be done on a daily basis or with a cut-off rule .
An interesting aspect especially for German software vendors is the accounting distinction . There , subscriptions are not accounted for at the time of purchase but over the service period . Subscriptions must in this case be spread over the fiscal years , which is usually the calendar year , or even on the individual months . Therefore , many German providers align the duration of subscriptions with the calendar year . In international business , however , it is more common to align the subscription with the purchase date . And exactly this accounting-compliant allocation of the subscription to the service periods is automatically taken over by the reporting of CodeMeter License Portal .