KEYnote 46 English - Fall/Winter 2023 | Page 5

feature code , or CodeMeter License Central attributes such as customer number , ticket id , and item id . When called , the reporting services will identify the specifically required information and return just this to the caller .
Reporting : License Based View The LicenseUsage structure contains all information about the usage of a license , with the specific data focused through the query filter . As an example , if we consider the following request :
{ „ session “: {...}, „ filter “: { „ from “: „ 2023-08-01T00:00:00 “, „ to “: „ 2023-08-31T23:59:59 “
Then the following data might be returned after the call :
{ „ errorCode “: 0 , „ licenseUsageList “: [ { „ accessTime “: „ 2023-08-08T09:18:28 “, „ fail “: 0 , „ featureCode “: 0 , „ featureMap “: 0 , „ firmCode “: 6000145 , „ invalid “: 0 , „ productCode “: 201001 , „ releaseTime “: „ 2023-03-08T09:24:27 “, „ seconds “: 359 , „ success “: 1 , „ ticketLicenseId “: 40 , „ userIdentification “: „ 474ce7a1- 903f421d “
}, { „ accessTime “: „ 2023-08-14T16:46:14 “, „ fail “: 1 , „ featureCode “: 1 , „ featureMap “: 0 , „ firmCode “: 6000145 , „ invalid “: 0 , „ productCode “: 10000 , „ seconds “: 0 , „ success “: 0 , „ ticketLicenseId “: 0 , „ userIdentification “: „ 7ae99d49- 4a41-4934 “
Reporting : Product Based View The ProductUsage structure contains all information about the usage of a product from CodeMeter License Central . The return is essentially a list with a summary of all product-level license accesses for the specified filter options .
For example , the following options show all product uses of a customer :
{ “ session ”: {…}, “ filter ”: { “ customerIdentification ”: “ 20230306 ”, “ from ”: “ 2023-08-01T00:00:00 ”, „ to “: „ 2023-08-31T23:59:59 “
} The answer looks as follows :
{{ “ errorCode ”: 0 , “ productUsageList ”: [ { “ customer ”: “ 20230306 ”, “ item ”: “ F-00002-145 ”, “ name ”: “ Feature # 2 ”, “ seconds ”: 24377 , “ success ”: 1 , “ user ”: “ xyzKLF4711eDxSdfs6y ” }, { “ customer ”: “ 20230306 ”, “ item ”: “ F-00003-145 ”, “ name ”: “ Feature # 3 ”, “ seconds ”: 9939 , „ success “: 1 , „ user “: „ xyzKLF4711eDxSdfs6y “
To query the usage of a product of all customers the following options can be used :
{ „ session “: {...}, „ filter “: { „ itemIdentification “: „ B-00001-145 “, „ from “: „ 2023-08-01T00:00:00 “, „ to “: „ 2023-08-31T23:59:59 “ }
For example , the result looks like this : { „ errorCode “: 0 , „ productUsageList “: [ { „ customer “: „ 20230315 “, „ item “: „ B-00001-145 “, „ name “: „ Bundle # 1 “, „ seconds “: 3237 , „ success “: 1 , „ user “: „ 217521f2-385f-4c52 “ }, { „ customer “: „ 20230315 “, „ item “: „ B-00001-145 “, „ name “: „ Bundle # 1 “, „ seconds “: 1324 , „ success “: 1 , „ user “: „ 217521f2-385f-4c52 “
Easy Start In modern environments , the idea of one size fits all is simply not appropriate . Software and hardware vendors must operate in increasingly complex environments , adhering to increasingly complex rules , and of course they themselves have wildly disparate requirements that need to be met . Where cutting edge asset protection is required , ensuring that key intellectual property is fully safeguarded when it leaves the direct control of the vendor , Code- Meter has for many years been the go-to mechanism for providing this : it has saved numerous companies huge amounts of money in preventing loss of revenue through piracy or reverse engineering . When this is not a requirement , either because IP protection is simply not needed or because specific environments do not allow such solutions , CodeMeter Cloud Lite has you covered .
The license-based view combined with the product based view of the new reporting API gives a compelling addition to the ever growing suite of REST APIs , flexible enough to allow the vendor to gather precisely the data they need .
To make this feature set as easy as possible to use , some sample applications are available in Java , C ++, and C # to help you get up and running as quickly and painlessly as possible . Of course , Wibu-Systems ’ Professional Services are always at hand to provide advice , implementation tips and tricks , and anything else the vendor needs to do what they do best .