CodeMeter Trainings
Wibu-Systems offers custom training to get you off to a running start with CodeMeter software protection and licensing . The training is offered in the form of company courses , typically hosted as in-house classes on your premises . The standard training program includes three days of courses , which can be adjusted to your needs and level of expertise . You can pick and choose the contents you need and shorten the program to 1 or 2 days . Alternatively , you can add a handson workshop to allow your participants to try out their own practice cases .
Imprint KEYnote 46 Issue Fall / Winter 2023 For an up-to-date overview of our workshops , visit mycodemeter . com / workshop /.
Contact our local representatives for training courses on site
WIBU-SYSTEMS AG Germany + 49 721 931720 info @ wibu . com
WIBU-SYSTEMS ( Shanghai ) Co ., Ltd . Shanghai : + 86 21 5566 1790 Beijing : + 86 10 8296 1560 / 61 info @ wibu . com . cn
WIBU-SYSTEMS LTD United Kingdom | Ireland + 44 20 314 747 27 sales @ wibu . systems
Join Wibu-Systems at the following events :
sps 14-16 November 2023 Nuremberg , Germany
Embedded World 9-11 April 2024 Nuremberg , Germany
WIBU-SYSTEMS USA , Inc . USA : + 1 800 6 Go Wibu
+ 1 425 775 6900 sales @ wibu . us
WIBU-SYSTEMS BV / NV The Netherlands : + 31 74 750 14 95
Belgium : + 32 2 808 6739 sales @ wibu . systems
WIBU-SYSTEMS Spain | Portugal + 34 91 123 0762 sales @ wibu . systems
Hannover Messe 22-26 April 2024 Hanover , Germany
MedtechLIVE 18-20 June 2024 Stuttgart , Germany
WIBU-SYSTEMS K . K . Japan + 81 45 565 9710 info-jp @ wibu . jp
WIBU-SYSTEMS sarl France + 33 1 86 26 61 29 sales @ wibu . systems
WIBU-SYSTEMS Scandinavia | Baltics + 46 8 5250 7048 sales @ wibu . systems
Publisher WIBU-SYSTEMS AG Zimmerstrasse 5 76137 Karlsruhe , Germany Tel . + 49 721 93172-0 Fax + 49 721 93172-22 info @ wibu . com www . wibu . com
Responsible for the content Oliver Winzenried
Editors Stefan Bamberg Matthias Honka Ruediger Kuegler Andrej Krasnik Bernhard Loewe David Paine Karl-Friedrich Press Daniela Previtali Florian Schneider Wolfgang Voelker Oliver Winzenried
Design Eugen Olchin
Print PASSAVIA Druckservice GmbH & Co . KG , Passau , Germany
Letters are always welcome . We will protect the confidentiality of sources . Third party articles do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial office . Write us at team @ wibu . com
Wibu-Systems expressly reserves the right to change its programs or this documentation without prior notice .
Blurry Box ® , CmReady ® , CodeMeter ® , Smart- Bind ® , SmartShelter ® , and Wibu-Systems ® are registered trademarks of WIBU-SYSTEMS AG . All other brand names and product names used in this documentation are trade names , service marks , trademarks , or registered trademarks of their respective owners .
Copyright © 2023 Wibu-Systems . All rights reserved .
Picture credits : Midjourney
All remaining images are copyrighted by their owner
5060-002-02 / 2023-10-25 © 2023 WIBU-SYSTEMS AG
Wibu Academy The Wibu Academy is a platform for courses and training delivered by Wibu- Systems top experts on hot topics that are in line with the goals of the House of IT Security : boosting IT security in research and practice . The range of sessions is split into two separate paths :
■ Cybersecurity in life applications – from the basics of cryptography and secure software development to AI security and Post Quantum Cryptography
■ Publicly funded research projects – best practices for application and management www . wibu . com / wibu-academy . html
Wibu-Systems ’ Masterclasses Also , our monthly fully immersive masterclasses focus on unique content and are designed for beginner , intermediate , or advanced users of our CodeMeter technology . The 2023 / 2024 season will cover areas such as cloud licensing , triple mode redundancy , post-quantum cryptography , CodeMeter certified third-party containers , and a lot more . Watch out for our forthcoming announcements either on our website or via newsletter and get ready to register for the sessions that are most helpful to you .