KEYnote 45 English - Spring/Summer 2023 | Page 9

Application 1 Application 2 Application 3 Application 4
CodeMeter Library 7.60
CodeMeter Library 6.10
CodeMeter Library 7.50
CodeMeter Library 6.0
CodeMeter Runtime 7.60
CmDongle FW : 4.30 CmDongle FW : 3.10 CmActLicense CmCloudContainer
and thanks to our compatibility promise , all software will work perfectly with it . been and are using CodeMeter effectively and reliably on the same system . All they need is the newest version of CodeMeter Runtime in place on that system .
Always Up To date When used on Windows systems , the Code- Meter installer has a very special ability : It can make sure that the newest version of Code- Meter on the system is always kept in place . This can be helpful if different software vendors include different versions of CodeMeter in their installers . It does not matter when or in which sequence these are installed : In the end , the version of CodeMeter on the system will always be the most recent one of the bunch ,
If your users have more than one application with CodeMeter installed , the newest version of CodeMeter will be kept in place even when the application that came with that version is removed . CodeMeter would only be fully removed from the system when the very last application that came with a CodeMeter installer is deleted from the computer .
A Choice of Installtion Options As software vendor , you have a choice of options for getting CodeMeter Runtime onto your users ’ systems .
You can require your clients to organize the runtime environment ’ s installation . Some enterprises already consider CodeMeter Runtime as middleware , that is , as something that the clients should provide on their systems when needed . They do this to make sure that the installed version of CodeMeter has been tested and works in their environment .
However , you cannot rely on all of your clients to think like this . In that case , you should deliver the CodeMeter installer together with your software so that the end users can install the runtime environment they need without too much effort on their part .
For many target groups , it can make sense to download the installers as MSI packages and include them as a regular part of your installation routine . With the MSI package accessed with right parameters , you can decide how the CodeMeter installer behaves and , for instance , allow the users to pick the right configuration
in your dialogues without confusing them with a different-looking design . The CodeMeter developer manual goes into depth about these options .
Skip the Installation Altogether ? There can be scenarios in which you might consider forgoing the CodeMeter installer : If your application needs no separate installation and can simply run on the users ’ system , you can copy and run the CodeMeter License Server like that . This works with CmDongles and soon , with CmCloudContainers ; CmActLicenses with their activation-based mechanism are not an option in this case . You should also make sure that your application is the only software using CodeMeter on the system in question , or at the least , check whether a prior installation is already residing on it .
Always The Best Choice The CodeMeter installer is the best way to get CodeMeter installed and updated in the fastest and simplest way possible . It ensures optimum compatibility with other software from other makers or older applications from your own developers . Our recommendation : Integrating the CodeMeter installer in your routines is always the best choice .