CodeMeter is versatile enough to cover a range
of use cases in this manner. What they all have
in common is that the container has to be
operated in bridged mode – which is the
standard setting out of the box.
Protection Only“: The license can be activated
in the container to serve purely as a means
of encrypting and using applications. The
container can be scaled easily e.g. to run the
application in several installations at once.
Host Operating System
The second area concerns a change in how
binding works with network interfaces. In
order to reduce the possible exposure to
possible attacks – not just for containers, but
for all licenses – the CodeMeter license server
only binds with Port 22350 if it has been
configured to operate as a CodeMeter server
on the network. In its basic configuration, the
CodeMeter license server only binds with the
localhost adapter. If it is operated in a (Docker)
container, it would only receive queries from
running applications and can respond either
with a license present in the container (see
above for the allowed types of CmActLicenses)
Licensing on the Host”: The license is activated
on the host to restrict and keep check over
the legitimate use of the application, e.g. as a
CodeMeter SmartBind license. Each container
has one CodeMeter license server running
in client mode, which receives the requests
from applications in the container and passes
it on to the CodeMeter license server on
the host. The server search list in the Docker
network records the IP address of the host, e.g., which will be permanent from a
container perspective.
Licensing via the Network”: This use case
differs from the previous one only in the
location of the server. It requires a CodeMeter
license server operating on the network to
provide the available licenses. In each sepa-
rate container, a CodeMeter license server in
client mode will again receive queries from
applications in the container and hand them
on to the network license server.
The first concerns the types of CmActLicenses
that are allowed to operate in a Docker
container. CodeMeter Version 6.90 generally
prohibits their activation and use – with two
specific exceptions. The first are licenses
without a concrete binding to the system
hardware (NoneBind) that allow multiple
imports (Reimport). These licenses serve
only as a means for decrypting applications,
but without any license restrictions at all, in
essence forming a “Protection Only” use case.
In the future, this use case would be replaced
by the new IP Protection mode in CodeMeter
Protection Suite (see this issue of KEYnote for
more details). Since this type of CmActLicense
has no license restrictions, there is no risk
of fraud when the same license is used in
multiple containers. The second exception
are CmActLicenses specifically approved for
this use. Software developers can set a new
option for CmActLicenses that allows them
to be activated in a container. The command
line option in CmBoxPgm is „-lopt:container“,
usable only for Universal Firm Codes.
you use containers, but keep in control of
your licenses? From the brief overview above,
one can see how easy it would be to copy a
license created and bind it to a container. One
installation of a CodeMeter license server in
one container would essentially not differ at
all from another one in another container. The
binding properties would be identical. In order
to run multiple installations of the CodeMeter
license server in separate containers on a
single host, several specific changes were
needed: In CodeMeter 6.90, two areas needed
to be changed that influence operations in a
or pass them on as a client to another Code-
Meter license server on the network.
Host Operating System
Host Operating System