KEYnote 36 English - Fall 2018 | Page 2

E D I T O R I A L Dear Clients and Partners! Content L I C E N SIN G Licensing with the Cloud in Mind  L I C E N SIN G Simpler License Delivery with Push Updates 4 6 L I C E N SIN G License Server in High Availability Environments8 S E C U RIT Y Acquiring Trust with Mini-Certificates 10 PR OTE CT IO N Automatic Protection for your Software 12 R E S E A RC H Progress on the IUNO Research Project 14 H I G H L IG HT S News in Brief 16 C A S E ST UDY Success Story | Metrohm 17 I NF O R M AT IO N Wibu-Systems informs 18 With the arrival of Fall, I find myself reflecting upon our recent customer successes and marvel at the innovative ways in which our technologies are being used to address critical applications. At the same time, I’m also occupied with a number of business challenges: Recruitment, internation- alization, and regulation in cyber-security. We strive to find the most qualified people to fill vital positions within our organization. Fortunately, here at Wibu-Systems we work with exciting technologies and offer a vibrant workplace to attract the best and brightest. We also rely upon campus partnerships to find the most talented newcomers to the job market. It’s an ongoing process and quite rewarding when we make the right connections. As a manufacturer in the global economy, we rely upon free and fair commerce. Free trade is the catalyst for generating new ideas, inspiring better solutions, and fueling business progress and pros- perity. To that end, we are intensifying our sales efforts in Italy and founding WIBU-SYSTEMS K.K. in Japan to expand our international footprint. The planned EU Cybersecurity Act is the topic of a whitepaper by the German electrical and mechanical engineering associations, ZVEI and VDMA, and the German technical inspection association TUVs that addresses the challenges and possible solutions for cybersecurity. The market is at a critical juncture where it needs globally recognized guidelines to ensure the safety of products and devices from cyber-attacks. This is particularly important in digitized produc- tion processes. Legislators are tasked to find a universal approach that encompasses all types of products and their many different applications. In this KEYnote, you can read about the inner workings of our CodeMeter Protection Suite, use cases for cloud licensing, mini-certificates, user-friendly push updates for licenses, the work of the IUNO project, and the use of CodeMeter by our client Metrohm. There is also an exclu- sive look at our high-availability license server. I am always interested in sharing thoughts and ideas with you. I welcome you to stop by and meet me and my colleagues at one of the upcoming trade shows. Best regards, Oliver Winzenried