Automatic Protection for Your Software
CodeMeter Protection Suite keeps expanding and growing in strength. AxProtector .NET Standard has joined the Protection
Suite family as the tool for .NET Standard 2.0 applications; the other tools continue to evolve and become more powerful. The
GUI has been given a facelift, AxProtector .NET is now FIPS-compatible, and AxProtector and IxProtector for native applications
now support the execution of code on CmDongles.
CodeMeter Protection Suite is a powerful
toolbox for the automatic encryption of appli-
cations and libraries. It protects executable
files from reverse engineering and ties them
cryptographically to a valid license.
The individual tools have been tailored specifi-
cally to work with each platform or environment
to allow optimum protection with minimum
effort for you as an ISV. Whichever tool you
choose, you select the firm code and product
code (or combinations of them) to encrypt
compiled libraries or applications. This is done
with a key bound to the firm code and product
code. Without the right license, decryption is
simply impossible.
AxProtector and IxProtector
AxProtector protects native Windows, Linux,
and macOS applications and libraries. It
encrypts the entire code; when the application
is launched or a library loaded, the system
checks for the required license and decrypts
the complete executable code, if the license
is there. After that point, the application
will perform just as well as if there were no
automatic protections at all.
IxProtector allows you to mark and encrypt
separate functions to be decrypted and
executed during runtime. Depending on the
settings, this is either done automatically or
by an API call defined by the ISV. It allows
you to move particularly sensitive code in
separately encrypted form onto a CmDongle
to be executed there. At no point is this code
visible for would-be hackers. of .NET assemblies. It does so by encrypting
the code of .NET framework applications on
the level of individual methods: Each method
is given its own stub code that checks for a
license when the method is first accessed
and only encrypts it if the license is present
and correct. This can be compared to how
IxProtector protects native code when choosing
automatic decryption upon method access.
AxProtector .NET This approach automatically creates a higher
level of security. As the security level has an
effect on performance, developers can fine-tune
AxProtector .NET is CodeMeter Protection Suiteās
dedicated tool for the automatic protection