KEYnote 35 English - Spring 2018 | Page 13

■ ■ ■ Components Aggregates Systems fit within a world of varying business models, components and systems and the relationships with different participants like Operational User, Component and System Builders. One of the promising Monetization Methods is Dynamic Monetization. It moves significantly the payment of Industrial Systems from upfront to the time of usage. This method faces chal- lenges from markets and participants, but they all can be solved with a sophisticated standard and the advantages of Dynamic Monetization will redefine how industrial systems will be paid in future. This article is only an introduction in the complex but also exciting world of Industrial Internet Monetization. Using I²M² as a model for different Monetization Methods helps to establish such methods in the future. The dif- ferent scenarios can illustrate how they might Component Builders Participants ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Component Builders System Builder Operational User IT/OT Edge Network Internet Cloud 3 Component Requirements Component Payment Next Steps At IIC only the Business Viewpoint of I²M² has been described to date. After all of the busi- ness requirements have been discussed, IIC will move into an Implementation Viewpoint, which describes all communication standards necessary to implement the model shown in figure 1. Once all this information is collected, it will be possible to define a plug-and-play standard, which will finally automate the Dynamic Monetization as much as possible, so that picture will become reality. Operational User System Builder Specify Component Requirements Deliver Component Capabilities Trustworthiness Figure 2: Parameters of I²M² Summary Component St. Gallen Navigator SAP Extension ■ Industrial Internet Monetization Model (I 2 M 2 ) ■ ■ The Dynamic Monetization Method defines Physical and Setup Costs as Upfront Costs and Intellectual Costs and Profit as Usage Costs. Upfront Costs are traditionally paid before the system is deployed while the Usage Costs are paid when the system is operated and creates revenue for the Operational User. 2 Monetization Methods Business Models ■ ■ Physical Costs: Required to build the com- ponent from raw material or other compo- nents. ■ ■ Intellectual Costs: Software develop- ment, patents, cloud services and intellec- tual properties like pictures. ■ ■ Setup Costs: Required to install, test and validate the system. ■ ■ Profit: The component builder‘s reward for business success. ■ payment methods during usage. This will reduce the upfront cost. the Operational User has to pay to start the system, but it is more econom- ical to pay this later as part of the revenue of the operating system. This is Dynamic Mone- tization and one possible method of I²M². It structures the cost of a component into the following parts: 1 Specify System System 1 Specify Requirements Operational System Requirements Requirements Integrated System Deploy System 4 Capabilities Operational System Payment Figure 3: Actors Relationship in I²M² 13