KEYnote 34 English - Fall 2017 | Página 12

S E C U R I T Y CodeMeter Embedded 2.0 - New Features CodeMeter Embedded is entering its new generation, bringing with it several important and exciting innovations and giving the library a well-deserved version number – CmE 2.0 The internal architecture of the CodeMeter Embedded Library has been completely reworked and brought up to date. CodeMeter Embedded can now access the shared key storage with multiple processes at the same time. PC users might consider this a standard capability, but this feature had deliberately been left out of earlier embedded versions. Meter Embedded 2.0 can still be integrated without much adjustment and upgrades from CodeMeter Embedded 1.x are directly possib- le. The internal design changes are making the licensing system more flexible and capable. Our name for it is License Core. The code was meant to be kept to a minimum size, with no active services, and with the CodeMeter Embedded Library included directly as part of protected programs. For many im- plementations, such a single instance is still a viable option. However, increasingly powerful embedded systems allow a new feature set, with multiple programs or processes sharing access to a single CmContainer. The move to the 2.x version also marks the beginning of license transfer capabilities for CodeMeter Embedded. Starting with version 2.0, users can employ existing UFC firm codes on their dongles, keeping the Firm and Product Codes compatible across the entire CodeMe- ter universe. This opens up new possibilities for many oft-requested use cases that would have several program parts or CodeMeter-protected programs from different makers running simultaneously: the desktop world has come to the embedded world. The processes are coordinated in the background, but with full transparency for the user, and no service or daemon is requi red. This means that Code- 12 Using the New UFC Firm Codes > 6,000,000 commissioned by a technician. The license required for a CodeMeter-protected sensor or PLC program can be brought along on a CodeMeter USB dongle and injected on site into the machine’s controllers. The same approach is used for replacement services. Machines of this nature are often connected to the Net, but usually not allowed to access external services like CodeMeter License Central for security reasons. License transfer makes it easier for users to transfer licenses without having to integrate the RaC/ RaU handling on a mobile storage device. CodeMeter ASIC with SPI Interface Work has already started on version 2.1, which will be able to update UFC licenses remotely. CodeMeter Embedded 2.1 with dongles can then also act as license transfer endpoints. The license transfer function for CmActLicenses will be included in version 2.2 and complete the transition to the new license transfer feature set. The standard dongle functionality in CodeMe- ter Embedded is being expanded with another interface. On top of USB and SD bus interfaces, SPI is now another option. Designers of circuit boards can get the CodeMeter chip in ASIC format and integrate it directly into their layouts. The CmASIC itself comes with two integrated interfaces: USB and SPI. A typical industrial use case would be a machine that is installed at the client and The USB specifications include the hardware interface and a protocol stack to enable