KEYnote 31 English - Spring 2016 | Seite 2

E D I T O R I A L Dear Clients and Partners! Content PRODUCT CodeMeter 6.10 3 PRODUCT The New Look WebAdmin  4 S E RV I C E Wibu Operating Services 6 K NOW- HOW Best Practices: Lending and Borrowing Licenses8 PRODUCT Bringing Together What Belongs Together 11 The Internet of Things and Industrie 4.0: These two terms have become ubiquitous in the mediasphere. Have you already recognized the great benefits that are out there for you and your customers? Have you chosen your strategy? Are you using new mechanisms to speed up development and reduce time-tomarket? Can you tailor your products flexibly to match what your customers want? Does new connectivity offer added value in your products? The questions are numerous. We can help you lay the groundwork to move forward: security, security, security. By this, I mean copy protection to save your products from forgers and pirates; I mean tamper protection, particularly when updating and upgrading software; and I mean introducing new business models for the good of your customers and for a strong revenue stream for you – or monetization in short. For us, this year is all about showcasing many new solutions: at the IoT Evolution Expo in Florida, the Embedded World in Nuremberg, the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, the RSA Conference in San Francisco, and the Automation Meet-Up. We are working hard with organizations like VDMA, the OPC Foundation, the Trusted Computing Group, and the Industrial Internet Consortium (now a partner of the Industrie 4.0 Platform) to bring you the solutions you want and need for your work. Read this KEYnote Magazine for more news about CodeMeter and the innovative Universal Firm Code, new functions for creating and delivering licenses in our License Central, our high availability hosting services, and an abundance of other news. H I GH L IG HT S News in Brief 14 C A S E S T UDY Success Story: B&R 15 I N F OR MAT IO N Wibu-Systems informs 16 Come and share your ideas with us at Hannover Messe or one of the upcoming conferences. We can only win by sharing – and I am looking forward to doing so! Best regards, Oliver Winzenried CEO