KEYnote 30 English - Fall 2015 | Page 2

E D I T O R I A L Dear Clients and Partners, Content K N OW-HOW Sell and License Your Software via SAP 3 T E C H N O LO G Y Licensing in the Cloud 4 PR ODUCT Universal Firm Code 6 T E C H N O LO G Y Borrowing and Transferring Licenses 8 PR ODUCT Nested Product Items 10 PR ODUCT Lasting Availability – Not a Matter of Choice 12 PR ODUCT Software Protection Package for Raspberry Pi 13 H I G H L IG HT S News in Brief 14 C A S E   S T UDY Success Story Belsim 15 I NF O R M AT IO N Wibu-Systems informs 16 You have all come across certain terms in the titles of lectures or agendas of conferences: security by design, security or privacy by default and so on. But what do they actually mean, and how can we achieve them? The ideal is security and privacy by default, that is, all devices fulfilling our security and privacy needs out of the box. Security and privacy by design are crucial preconditions for this, because the right design is needed for truly meaningful default security. Windows 10 is one example of privacy by design, but not by default, because it still needs its users to make many manual changes to achieve real privacy. Security might not be high on the agenda for every user, but it is indispensable for many other scenarios – think of intensive care (pacemakers), critical infrastructure systems, or the potential risks for chemical plants. Security is a sine qua non for Industrie 4.0 and the Internet of Things. At the same time, it is becoming increasingly important to protect the data of users (privacy) or secure data in manufacturing. Rights management is needed that is powerful enough to handle the rights of many different parties simultaneously, but separately. CodeMeter is the answer: We are helping developers and manufacturers build security and data protection right into their systems. For this purpose, we are working with BITKOM, VDMA, the OPC Foundation, and the Industrial Internet Consortium, and are actively investing in R&D in Europe, the United States, and China. Read this KEYnote to learn more about how we keep CodeMeter reliably available over the long term, the use of Raspberry Pi, licenses in the cloud, SAP Best Practices, and lots of innovations concerning our newest invention, the Universal Firm Code. I am looking forward to meeting you at one of your upcoming conferences and expos. For now, I wish you and your loved ones a peaceful and relaxing holiday season. Yours, Oliver Winzenried CEO