KEYnote 28 English - Fall 2014 | Page 2

EDITORIAL Dear Clients and Partners! Content K N OW-HOW Benefits in Certificate Usage 3 K N OW-HOW Protecting the Integrity of Software 6 PR ODUC T CodeMeter Security and VxWorks 7 8 K N OW-HOW Activating Licenses on Embedded Devices 10 PR ODUC T Protection Suite for PCs  12 H I G H L IG HT S Latest news summary 14 C A S E   ST UDY Success Story custo med 15 I NF O R M AT IO N Wibu-Systems informs 16 The “Internet of Things,” intelligent devices, 3D printing, and Industry 4.0 have become much-vaunted and much-hyped concepts. Germany has passed its first IT security law as a “safety belt for IT in critical infrastructure.” What all of this has in common is the fact that more and more know-how is invested in production processes, and cyber-physical and embedded systems are increasingly interconnected. Know-how protection, flexible feature activation, tamper-proofing, and cyber-security are becoming essential for the business of machine producers and operators alike. Copy and know-how protection are the antitheft devices for your physical machines or construction data. They help stop the tide of global product piracy, whose dramatic scale the VDMA studies have revealed. Technical prevention is becoming increasingly inevitable. A world that is getting more and more connected, from single sensors to the cloud, offers many previously unimagined opportunities, but also previously unheard-of risks. Cyber attacks can tamper with vital systems, with the would-be attackers at a safe distance. Wibu-Systems provides a unique “airbag” that prevents such manipulation with secure identities, secure boot, and signed code and data at every link in the network. In road traffic, the number of fatalities has gone down not as a result of better roads, but safer cars. By reading this issue of KEYnote you can learn more about integrity protection, how CodeMeter became a regular part of VxWorks, the real-time operating system of Intel’s subsidiary Wind River, and how licenses can be activated on embedded systems. Find out how certificates work, what our Protection Suite can do on your PC, and how custo med uses our solutions to great effect in the medical sector. Come and visit us at one of our next public events. I would love to get to know you and your business. All that remains for me to say is that I hope this year ends on a high note for you and your business. Wishing you and your families all the best, Yours, Oliver Winzenried