KEYnote 26 English - Fall 2013 | Seite 4

KNOW-HOW Scalable Licenses with CodeMeter “Who needs dongles?” Asked first some years ago, this question is becoming more and more frequent in times of increasing virtualization. But the question about specific types of technology or device designs is misguided. What the end user cares about is a flexible and safe means of accessing licenses, regardless of the conditions under which he is using the software in question. This article explores the many and versatile licensing options offered by CodeMeter. Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) and their end users today have very different requirements and expectations concerning modern license management. It has to be secure and kept up-to-date with the newest advances in technology to prevent illegal copying, reverse engineering, and manipulation of their software. At the same time, the technology is expected to provide flexible licensing models, such as network licenses, feature-on-demand capabilities, pay-per-use or other time-based models in a simple and straightforward manner. CodeMeter can provide licenses in many forms and formats under a single, unified technological roof. This is our answer to the market’s seemingly conflicting requirements: Hardware-based means (CmDongle) for optimal security and flexibility as well as purely software-based activation (CmActLicenses) with an intelligent connection with the target device. Both options can work locally or in networked setups, and the range of licenses can go from unspecified demo licenses (trial licenses) to pure 4 software encryption (protection only). The new CmWAN solution takes this a step further and manages licenses into the cloud. What the end user wants is to be able to use the licensing model of the software developer effectively and efficiently in the chosen system environment. No vendor’s software can be successful if this is not possible. CodeMeter provides a range of options for accessing licenses. The leading edge in security is guaranteed by the CmDongle in its various form factors , storing up to 6000 licenses even from diverse makers and vendors. On request, the ISV can order additional flash storage to have an immediate means of distributing the software to his end users. CmActLicenses, by contrast, work without any hardware. The patented SmartBind technology allows a secure link with the end user’s computer, while still ensuring secure use even in virtual environments Dongle or Software Activation? CodeMeter makes this question irrelevant. Irrespective of the eventual choice, the license management solution is integrated by the ISV into the software product. The development relies on so-called CmContainers as a transparent layer on top of the eventual choice of physical or virtual storage for the license (CmDongle or CmActLicense). Container Dongle ActLicense Flexible use of hardware and software-based licenses