KeyLine Mag October 2015 | Page 14

CJ FIYA Photo taken by Kim Todd Keyz: Who are your top 3 ar sts? CJ: The produc on that ar st like Kevin Gates and The Weekend is something I love to study. It's not so much their lyrics or whatever, but with certain ar st I study their style or their produc on. Travis Sco is another one I enjoy. Some mes I only like one song or one part in a song from an ar st, but if it's something crea ve or catchy I take note, study, and try to internalize so it comes out in my own crea vity. Keyz: I'm like that too. Those are some good choices. CJ: Thanks. Keyz: CJ I appreciate your me and you cha ng with me. I look forward to seeing more of you in the future and showcasing more ar sts that reside in Hawaii. With unity and support, the music world can reach peaks that you never thought. @cj_fIya For booking and contact information: Instagram: @cj_fiya Twi er: @cj_fiya Facebook: reverbna WWW.KEYLINEPRODUCTIONS.COM