KeyLine Mag October 2015 | Page 16

LEESA ROBINSON AGENCY Leesa Robinson I can't tell you about the Leesa Robinson Agency (LRA) without first telling you about the woman behind the company. Leesa Robinson was born on February 18,1959 in Pensacola Florida to Dick and Norma Robinson. Leesa's mother was a model of the 1960's and Leesa learned at an early age the grace, charm and sophis ca on of her mother. Leesa, in her early teens began wri ng short stories, poetry and romance. Leesa has been in numerous commercials and modeling for over thirty years. Leesa is the mother of four children, Aus n, Eraina, Alexandra and Diego. Upon opening her first modeling agency in 1999, Leesa's wri ng focused on health and beauty ar cles for the Fashion Industry Network and various other media outlets. Leesa has since wrote "Model of Excellence" a modeling ps book and started her own biography, "The Beau ful Life" (2015) and several workbooks for her agency. Leesa Robinson owns "Mad Mozart Music Produc ons" as well as "Coastal Event TV", a show that features "GulfL Coastal Entertainment". Leesa is a real go ge er and loves making peoples dreams come true. She's also a giver and believes in ac ons, not just talking. Leesa Robinson Inc. has over 400 models and talent na onwide, most of which are professional models and do not need instruc on or guidance from the agency. The agency was developed into a legi mate and highly professional talent agency. The agency offers experienced as well inexperienced talent with the opportunity to be seen, which is something no other agency has in common with Leesa Robinson. Leesa Robinson expanded interna onally in 2008, which included managing and placing talent within the agency, hiring scouts, photographers, makeup ar st and stylist, each with a notable career developing. LRA is a company for all upcoming actors, actresses, musicians, or models to definately check out. This agency take on professionalism brings a different dimension to the entertainment world. Take a look at our interview with the lovely Leesa as we get to know more about her and her agency. Keyline: What values does your agency have that sets you apart from your compe tors? Leesa: The agency has very strict guidelines to maintain class and sophis ca on. We train our models in e que e and charm and we also have a no nudity clause. We protect not only our reputa on, but the reputa on of who we represent as well. WWW.KEYLINEPRODUCTIONS.COM