Hailing from California, Aaliyah
Alkane has a unique style of her own. She's a
21 year old lady whose lyrics pack a big
punch. Aaliyah is an all-around talent; she's a
dancer, singer, rapper, and writer. With the
tutorage of her mother, she has learned a lot
about the music business. Her mother,
Deedra Cole, was also a very successful
singer. Aaliyah became her mother's
background dancer and singer, which only
heightened her abili es. Some of Aaliyah's
inspira ons include the late and great,
Michael Jackson, Tina Marie, and Marvin
Gaye. So as you can see, just looking at her
inspira ons, she is a very knowledgeable of
great ar stry.
One of her biggest assets is that she
is able to convey her emo ons not just on
paper, but vocally on each track she's one.
Her single en tled "Cold Bi**h", displays her
wordplay and crea vity. Packed with a nice
baseline and great lyrics, it's a track you
definitely have to check out.
Aaliyah Akane is currently apart of
"Monsta Squadd Produc onz" and they are
doing big things together. Monsta Squadd is
a produc ons company composed of
different A list producers and song writers
that have worked with a lot of well-known
ar st in the industry. They just released a
mixtape en tled "Independent Grind: Eat
What You Kill". Be sure to take some me and
check it out. It has some bangers on there,
including a track from the lovely Aaliyah
Kane. Don't sleep on this rising star, because
I'm pre y sure we will be seeing a lot more of