Yung Loco
Mr. E
Follow on Twi er:
I am MrE, Bronx, NY is
my city, Hip-Hop's the genre,
but none of the mainstream,
but more of that real $#!+ that
there used to be more of,
Recently returned to Hip-Hop
a er a three year hiatus, which
my new single, "Prodigal Son"
pre y much details. So far, I
scored a lot of airplay, features
on and
and more. Think of it as my
audio blog. So, if you must
remember anything, let it be
these two: remember my sign
and remember that the
darkness cometh.
Check out Mr. E on his website.
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Yu n g L o c o w a s b o r n
August 26, 1981 in North Houston,
TX. Yung burst on the local Houston
scene in late 2006. He started
rapping at the early age of 13 and
he constantly worked to perfect his
wri ng and lyrical skills. Some of his
early influences include Bone
Thugs N Harmony, Twista, Snoop
Dogg, Scarface, and DJ Screw. His
smooth delivery, melodious hooks,
and excellent vocal range, makes
him one of Houston's hardest
hi ers in the game.
Check out Yung Loco Here
To check out more
of Sicksdot music
Phaeva Phawty
Sicksdot was born in
the heart of Miami, FL. Just
like most young black men,
he dreamed of leaving his
mark on the world, however,
a decision at the age of
fi een changed his path that
led to the life long detour of
early fatherhood. In 2007, he
was invited to New York to
work side by side as a ghost
writer on some projects for a
major label . No deal ever
really materialized from the
wri ng due to differences
within the label. The record
business is not an easy
business to break into, and
knowing this Sicksdot has a
renewed mindset and is
ready to make it happen the
best way he can.
Born on September
20, 1989 in the small
populated city of Conway,
Arkansas. His inspira on
comes from the 90's music. At
10 years old, his mom started
inves ng her into his first
group called the "UniSouth
Soldiers". They were together
for a few years, before he
turned solo. Later Pheava,
was incarcerated for 5 years.
His me confined, he was
able to write over a thousand
songs. He is currently aiming
to release his first
professional mixtape "40
Daze -N- 40 Nites" on May 13,
2015 and my first LP
"Freedom Of Speech" on
August 2, 2015.
Kawin Brockman
Phaeva Phawty
Twi er:
Phaeva Phawty