KeyLine Mag Jan. 2017 | Page 5

www . theviolethourband . com

Ignite the powerful flame of passion . Rekindle the faintest flicker of hope . Incinerate any regret , and watch our past mistakes and bad decisions crumble and wither to ashes that float away on the breeze . Warm our hands . Thaw our hearts . Embrace the fire within us and feel the heat consume any lingering doubt . Let it burn , as we in turn , touch our flame to the next torch and watch it , too , ignite . The members of The Violet Hour know what it ' s like to be downtrodden and to face an uphill battle .
We know what it feels like to lose someone you love , to be u n l u c k y , u n p o p u l a r , a n outcast , and most of all ... To be human . " I was never a popular person growing up . I was always that nerdy band and orchestra girl ," says lead singer Alli . " Music has always been a refuge for me , and that ' s what the guys in The Violet Hour and I want our music to be for our fans - a safe place to experience all the emotions of life , get inspired , and realize you are not alone . That ' s what ' Ignite ' is all about ."

w w w . k e y l i n e p r o d u c t i o n s . c o m