KeyLine Mag August Issue | Page 20

jojo capone KeyLine: For those of us that don't fully know who JoJo Capone is, Can you tell us a li le about yourself? Like how long have you been in the business and how did you get to this point in your life? JoJo Capone: I've been doing this 14 years professionally. I'm the CEO of Act Like It Entertainment and Global Gangsters Movement. I've go en to this point by not giving up. KeyLine: Now I know that you were responsible for squashing the beef between The Game and Young Thug, which was a great thing to me especially because of all the crazy stuff that is going on in the world today. Why did you feel that you had to squash that beef? JoJo Capone: I did it because it was the righteous thing to do. KeyLine: How do you feel about the violence in Chicago and what ac ons do yo think we can make together in order to create change in our communi es? JoJo Capone: Make it harder to get weapons and build more free facili es for the youth to have a posi ve influenced loca on to look forward to and leaving everything else in God's hands. KeyLine: How are you affiliated with the Rich Gang camp and what is your role on the team? JoJo Capone: We're blood rela ves; myself and Birdman #Willamsboyz. I wear as many hats as I need to for the family. KeyLine: So outside of all the things we have men oned s