Key Biscayne Master Plan 043944000.18w_Key_Biscayne_MP(forJooMag) | Page 19

Chapter 3 EXIST IN G UTIL ITY S Y S TE M O VE RVI E W The Village of Key Biscayne is predominantly served with electric and communications services through a network of overhead wires mounted to wood or concrete poles. It is estimated there are approximately 16 pole-miles of overhead infrastructure within the Village limits. A pole-mile is defined as the linear distance in miles along a set of utility poles, regardless of how many wires, cables, or equipment are attached to those poles. This estimate is based primarily on:  information conveyed by FPL  maps that were obtained from FPL, AT&T, and Comcast  scaled measurements made from those maps  field observations  The Village would like to abandon the rear easements in cases where no other utilities remain in the rear easement after the overhead to underground conversion. There is currently a combination of electric and communications in the rear easements. Not all of these are present in every easement on every pole. Based on our knowledge of the Village and our field observations, Kimley-Horn is confident this is the most reliable estimate of total overhead infrastructure. The majority of poles observed in the Village support both electrical and communications infrastructure. There are a few poles that support only electrical infrastructure. The overhead utility infrastructure is often located in the right-of-way of the major Village roadways, in rear yard easements, and/or rear alleys between street blocks. The preference is to relocate these lines to the front street right-of-way for the following reasons:  The rear easement is not accessible by utility maintenance vehicles, which creates problems with wire and equipment installation and maintenance. Utility providers now require truck access to new equipment installations, so rear easement/alley installation will only be allowed if the equipment can be accessed by truck. Existing overhead transformers (left) and capacitor bank (right) 15