Kew Review | Page 36

Year 6


Year 6 is the culmination of our children ’ s education at Kew College when they sit their exams for secondary school . This year , being no exception , our children excelled in their examination results . After examinations were over , they embarked on a stimulating and varied programme of activities with an emphasis on developing the skills necessary for the transition to secondary school . This included a STRIDE business enterprise project , a Shakespeare project including a trip to the theatre , a Junior Citizen course , learning about democracy and visiting the Houses of Parliament , Sex and Relationship
Education and Drugs talks , cyber safety workshops , a week long residential trip to France and finally the leavers play . This year the children performed ‘ Alice in Wonderland ’.


To begin the year with a flying start , the children embarked on a two-night residential trip to the Oxfordshire woodlands . They grouped into tribes , took on a range of outdoor survival and teambuilding activities including shelter building , lake swimming , building fires and making traps . In addition to being great fun , the trip provided the perfect opportunity to build upon the children ’ s independence and problem solving tool kit .