Kew Review | Page 23

Year 3 Prehistoric Britain Workshop In the Autumn term, Year 3 took part in a workshop to support their History topic, 'The Stone Age to the Iron Age'. The children experienced a range of activities starting in the Mesolithic period, 10,000 BC. They knapped flint to make Stone Age tools such as arrow and spear heads using hard stones and antlers. The children built a replica Stonehenge out of ‘foam stones’ and considered how it might have looked when it was first built and how it has changed over thousands of years. In pairs, they used replica Bronze Age tools to create jewellery as they would have done in 2500 BC. Another activity enjoyed by all was using querns to grind corn as people did at the start of the age of agriculture (Iron Age 800 BC-43 AD). Their biggest achievement of the day was the assembly of a 3m diameter Iron Age roundhouse. Everybody worked together in groups over the whole day in order to complete the construction. It was considerably smaller than our modern family homes! What a great way to learn. 21