Kew Review | Page 19

Year 2 Florence Nightingale Museum The Year 2 children thoroughly enjoyed immersing themselves in historical periods and learning about famous people. Florence Nightingale proved to be a popular topic, as they learned about her life and how her work made such a significant impact, pioneering British nursing. During their visit to the museum, the children were directed through a series of hands-on activities that brought their studies to life. They held lamps and examined the poor food rations the sick soldiers were given before Florence’s arrival in Scutari. A further surprise awaited Year 2 as Florence Nightingale herself appeared and talked to them about her experiences in the Crimea. A few lucky children had the opportunity to dress up and help Florence to tell her important story. The combination of drama and hands-on activities further cultivated the children’s curiosity about History. All enjoyed an engaging and inspiring day! Florence Nightingale Assembly Florence Nightingale’s amazing past stimulated the children to perform a playlet for their first Parent Assembly. Like true professionals, they took their audience on a journey through Florence’s life from a young girl, through The Crimean War and back to England in her old age. In bloodstained clothes, the soldiers groaned convincingly and were nursed by Florence and her charges. The children heartily sang songs to get rid of the germs, pests and diseases. 17