Kew Review | Page 40

Year 6 Flying Becoming good citizens A successful education extends beyond the classroom and the journey into their teenage years and adulthood will be steeped with challenges. At Kew College, the Year 6 children take part in a range of activities designed to prepare them for the future and equip them for these eventualities. The trip to the Junior Citizens workshops at Holly Lodge and the Cycling Proficiency training prepare them for safely using roads, public transport and dealing with everyday challenges when travelling independently. The First Aid training gives the children confidence in a medical emergency. The visit to the Houses of Parliament helps the pupils to understand the key British values of Democracy and the rule of law. Cycling proficiency Becoming first aiders Year 6 took part in a First Aid session designed to empower them in a medical emergency situation. The workshop involved the way to respond in a first aid scenario as well as practical measures such as basic resuscitation and CPR, bandaging wounds as well as making and using a sling. The children embraced the challenges with enthusiasm and were able to gain new levels of confidence in this important area. 38 An intensive week long Cycling Proficiency training primes the Year 6 children for keeping safe while on their bicycles. During their daily 90-minute Cycling Proficiency Training, the children learn about the Highway Code as well as how to keep safe on roads, junctions and roundabouts. They were taught in fun and memorable ways and the tutors supported the children every step of the way. The week culminates in an assessment in which this year’s cohort achieved a 100% pass rate.