Kew Review Kew Review 2017 | Page 64

ICT & Computing Year 4 Using Purple Mash’s Logo, Year 4 programmed on screen robots to plot shapes and patterns. Previously, they had used Photoshop to design book covers and to learn the main functions of the progamme. Online Safety plays a big part in educating the children on how to use technology appropriately and safely. This is taught throughout the year and to all ages. Year 4 completed an online workbook on the topic, which was refreshed in lessons and in assemblies. Year 5 Using Microsoft Excel, Year 5 modelled spreadsheets for real life scenarios. Formula and formatting gave a professional working document and graphs made the data accessible. Earlier in the year, the pupils programmed scratch games and used Photoshop to create a magazine cover. Year 6 Writing HTML, Year 6 developed their own website on ‘Technology in 2017’. The children then went on to learn the principles of coding. 2018 We have just purchased Lego’s latest educational WeDo 2.0 kits for Computing and Science. 63