Kew Review Kew Review 2017 | Page 59

History Year 6 Year 6 worked tirelessly exploring World War Two. They learnt about how the war affected people both at home and abroad. They investigated many significant figures from World War Two and created fascinating PowerPoints which they presented to each other in the lessons. Learning about Anne Frank was moving. ‘I could not believe the horror experienced at the hands of the Nazis.’ Pearl W. Year 5 Year 5 had a busy year experiencing The Tudors. Many areas were explored including Food, Entertainment, Exploration and Education. This culminated in a residential trip to Hooke Court. ‘Tudor school life was very hard. Children sat in pews and had to learn most of their work by heart.‘ Theo B. Year 4 Year 4 enjoyed the long awaited Viking Workshop that gave them first hand experience learning about Viking life and travel. The children enjoyed weaving, sewing a sail, shield making and of course, constructing and sailing the Viking Longboat! 58 ‘My group’s weaving was a disaster, but I enjoyed sewing Rollo the dragon onto the sail,; it was our instructors middle name! ‘ Hana A.