Kew Review 2018 | Page 89

Kew College Friends

KCF is a group of dedicated parents who work relessly for the benefit of the school and its charity . This is achieved through numerous social events , sales and other ac vi es . In doing so , KCF also provide a fantas c social outlet for the school community . We said goodbye this year to our old KCF team , under the guidance of the amazing Ali Palmer . ( From right to le ): Thank you to Sarah Rennie , Ali Palmer , Gail Hamilton – King , Kate Finnet , Stacey Faiola , Alexis Blackborn , Tamsin Priestly , Carol Holland , Kathy Mar n , Helen Courtney , Judy Campbell-Johnson and Esther Bonding . We are truly grateful for all that KCF do for the school and are very sorry to see this wonderful team re re .
SECRET SANTA It is always a delight to see the children dressed in their Christmas jumpers and excited about their visit to Santa ’ s gro o . Their exuberant babble as they queue up outside the gro o to chose presents for parents , grandparents and siblings is heart-warming . KCF , clad in their Christmas costumes provided a truly happy occasion , which our pupils absolutely love .
The ANNUAL QUIZ NIGHT is a much an cipated and hotly contested event . The new compere ’ s keen wit kept everyone entertained whilst providing a wealth of challenging ques ons across the numerous genres , ensuring that there was enough interest for all . Brain s mula on , coupled with the proverbial fish ‘ n chips washed down with a glass of wine , resulted in an excellent and most enjoyable evening . Of course , there has to be the masterminds of the evening and the grand tle was won in a ebreak a er two tables each came up trumps with 82 points . The winning table was ‘ Mike and The Mechanics ’, which meant that ‘ Eight nuts , No Kiwis , No Pineapple ’ ended up in 2nd place ! A huge thank you to KCF for providing such a spectacular evening of fun !
FILM NIGHT Who wouldn ' t want to come to school dressed in a onesie and equipped with pillows to lie on ? This is how pupils from the middle school enjoyed a Friday evening watching a family film , coupled with popcorn , pizza and drinks ! What joy !