Kew Review 2018 | Page 65


In Geography pupils develop their knowledge of people and places to understand the physical , social and economic forces which shape places and the lifestyles of the people who live there . We study local areas / issues and extend these studies into the wider world . The children learn to use maps to locate ci es , countries , mountain ranges , rivers , seas and oceans . They use atlases , photos and the internet to explore the environment and economics of those countries which they study . They then use the skills they have developed in literacy , numeracy and ICT to report and record their findings .
In Year 4 , the children learned important mapping skills during their study of se lements and Russia . Each pupil traced the physical and human features of the country and developed their understanding of maps by looking at rivers , mountain ranges , bordering countries , oceans lakes and capital ci es . We tried crea ng out own se lements a er discovering the elements needed to be effec ve .