Kew Review 2018 | Page 61


Science plays an important role in the curriculum at Kew College . It offers children the opportunity to inves gate their ideas through prac cal experiments and experiences . Children of all ages are encouraged to work both independently and collabora vely and to ask ques ons about the world that we live in . The skills learnt enable them to understand new concepts , make well-informed decisions and pursue new interests inside and outside of school . It ins ls a sense of intrigue and cri cal thinking where they are encouraged to work scien fically by ques oning , observing , inves ga ng , making predic ons and experimen ng across a number of different topics .
Year 1 have enjoyed learning about a number of different topics this year in Science . They have tested the proper es of different materials , and throughout the year they have observed the physical changes which occur in nature during the different seasons .
Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed learning about Magnets , this culminated in them designing their own ‘ Magnet Games ’ which they were able to demonstrate to the rest of the class .
Year 5 Trip to St Benedict ’ s Science Fair In March 12 Year 5 children were invited to visit St Benedicts school in Ealing to a end their Science fair . This served as a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the scien fic method , whilst also gaining inspira on for our own Science fair . The children spoke to a number of the Year 8 children who had inves gated ques ons such as “ Is the 5 second rule a myth ?” and “ Does playing video games really make you think less clearly ?”. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves , and they were able to use their experiences to plan their own enquiries for the Science fair .