Kew Review 2018 | Page 42

Year 6

My eight years at Kew College have undoubtedly been the best eight years of my life . From my loyal friends to my most inspiring teachers , this school has been like a second home to me . Two of the most memorable mes at Kew College were the exhilara ng frac on island , which was buzzing in my head and helped me successfully pass all my exams . I also will never forget the annual Founders Day , which is always fun with great joy and laughter . From my first day at Kew College in the Nursery , to taking part in the Mud Assault course in France , Kew College has been amazing and I couldn ’ t ask for anything more . I am so grateful to Kew College for preparing me perfectly for my coming years at the illustrious Putney High School . I am using my remaining me at Kew College wisely and am excited to play Mrs . Beauregarde at our Summer play ,’ Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory ’. Kayla F 6T
Kew College , has given me the best years of my life . My first memory was in Nursery , when I felt I did not need to wear diapers . I had to avoid the ques ons , “ Why are your shorts so big ?” Unfortunately , I had to leave Kew for 3 years to go to Singapore . Although I will never forget the first me I entered them , when I saw those big blue doors , with Mrs Aus n gree ng us pupils . I par cularly remember the summer plays and having fun learning the songs and lines . Earlier memories of Kew , which s ck in my mind , include The Nursery Na vity play , when I sang a solo with one of my best mates . I ran off the stage crying searching desperately for my mum . The French trip was also outstanding , especially visi ng Omaha beach , which we had learnt about in History . These kind of trips are unforge able experiences . Kew College ! Thank you for a great childhood I will really miss you . William O 6S
When I started in the Nursery , I was a rather mischievous boy , seizing opportuni es to wreak havoc le , right and centre . As I grew I was moulded into the boy I am now ; a future pupil of St . Pauls Jr . Every second has been a scin lla ng spark , a magical experience in every lesson . My favourite mes included the residen al trips- my favourites being Bushcra and France ; Bushcra had an immense assortment of fantas c ac vi es ; one of the best was a game called ‘ predator ’ - the aim to conceal yourself within the undergrowth . It will be exceedingly difficulty to relinquish my love for this school . I will miss all the incredible friends I have come to know and the brilliant lessons I have experienced . This fantas c school has prepared me tenfold for my future in secondary school . Theo H 6S
When I first stepped through the gates of Kew College in year 3 , I knew I was going to be happy here , whether it was inside the school or on a school trip . I knew this was going to be the best primary school experience anyone could ask for . The French trip was way be er than expected , unlike the traffic to get there , I thought it was definitely the best residen al trip I have ever been on , mainly because of the fantas c mud assault course which was definitely the highlight of the year . The best part of being at Kew College is the summer fair filled with fun ac vi es and happy teachers . Being at Kew College has been one of the best experiences of my life , but I have to move on from the past and into my future . Goodbye Kew College , hello senior school .
Hector A 6T