Kew Review 2018 | Page 37

Goodbye Kew College – Class of 2018

My me at Kew College has been a thrilling adventure full of amazing experiences that I will never forget , such as Frac on Island in Year 5 , Art Day and ‘ The Viking Long Boat ’ in Year 4 but the best thing by far was The French Trip in Year 6 . We had a wonderful and exhilara ng me there . This experience taught me independence and to speak more French . Another thing I will never forget is when I baked cookies in Nursery . I cannot believe that the 8 years have gone by so quickly . I will never forget my me here or the unforge able friends I have made . Kew College has helped me get into get into ‘ Ibstock Place School ’ and I feel confident and well prepared for it . I am proud to be called a member of Kew College . Amelia J 6S
When I entered the welcoming doors of Kew College 8 years ago , I never thought I would make as many memories or friends as I have now . Kew College has encouraged me to try new ways of doing things and to work my hardest as it truly pays off in the end . In September , I will be opening a new door and moving on to St Pauls Girls School , though feeling tremendously emo onal to leave Kew College . My strongest memory was the residen al trip to France and the exhilara ng canoeing , especially when everybody used their paddles to splash the other teams . This year I was overwhelmed to get the part of Augustus Gloop in ‘ Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ’. Being Hawk House Captain was an unforge able experience that I am very proud of and as a result of these amazing memories I will never forget Kew College . Thank you for everything you have done for me . I will miss you Kew College ! Emma R 6T
I have been at Kew College for 8 years and I have enjoyed every single second of it . I have made many friends who I will miss when I go to my new school , No ng Hill and Ealing High , which my suppor ve teachers helped me get into . I will also miss the residen al trips , the best one for me was Bushcra where we spent two amazing nights in the woods . It has been such a delight to be a pupil at this outstanding School where we are provided with fun filled lessons like re-enac ng the diges ve system in Year 4 , using bread orange juice and water . It was disgus ng but fun ! Thank you Kew College for giving me the best primary school experience ever . I will remember it and all the wonderful staff and pupils . Isabella W 6T
My first memories of Kew College are drawing animals and making delicious food like apple pie . I have been at the school for eight years , yet it feels like it has gone by so fast . I have been to so many good trips like when we went to France and ate snails and went to the market or when we went camping in the wild at Bushcra and cooked our own supper and jumped into a freezing cold river . Some of my best memories of Bushcra include when I cooked steak but the rain put my fire out and I ate it raw , playing predator in the woods and swimming in waist deep mud . My classmates have been like a family to me as I have seen them nearly every day for nearly 8 years . Thinking about my last day is heartbreaking but sadly , everything has to end . Good luck to all the future Year 6 ’ s with their exams and ge ng into their dream schools as I did , to Hampton . James M 6S