Kew Review 2018 | Page 29

Year 5

Up and running

The Tower of London

Year 5 adventured out of school to visit the iconic and historical landmark , the Tower of London . We saw a variety of intriguing sights from Beefeaters to the Crown Jewels . All the different diamonds , emeralds and pearls shimmered and sparkled in the light ; it was truly mesmerising . We were also shown the armour that knights wore in the Tudor mes . However , as we are studying King Henry VIII , visi ng the site where Anne Boleyn was actually beheaded was cap va ng to us all . Standing there sent shivers up our spines . The trip brought history to life for us ! We had the most incredible experience and it was one we will NEVER forget .
Samara G
We arrived at the Tower , eager to start our ac vi es . We were lead through the building up a spiral staircase and into a classroom where we were educated about King Henry and his six wives . Next we went into the glorious building where we saw King Henry ’ s jous ng horse , which was enormous compared to all the other ones in the room .
We visited the showroom with many weapons which had been owned by royal family members . My favourite weapon was a sapphire pistol .
All in all , it was a great experience and I would love to go again .
Ivan D