Kew Review 2018 | Page 19

Year 2

Gaining independence

Plan ng the seeds of success

Our summer term Science project centred around Growing Plants . The children had the opportunity to plant their own seeds and bulbs , and were fascinated to observe how they grew and changed over me . They looked closely and the inside of seeds and bulbs , and discovered that they contain everything needed for germina on . Each class worked as a team to plan experiments to inves gate the condi ons that plants need to grow healthily .
We looked at the inside of a broad bean seed . I learnt that the testa is the seed case and the radicle grows into the root . Flora
We tested what plants need to germinate and grow healthily . I predicted that plants need light , water , air , sugar and nutri on . Oliver

Kew Gardens Tree Trail

We are so privileged to have the amazing Royal Botanical Gardens on our doorstep in Kew . It was a beau ful spring morning as we set off to explore The Tree Trail . We wound our way through the sights and smells of the Mediterranean Garden spo ng Olive Trees , Cork Oaks and umbrella shaped Stone Pine Trees . We observed the trees carefully as we enjoyed sketching them in the outdoors .