Kew Review 2018 | Page 13

Year 1

Finding our feet

Mighty Mathema cians

The children of Year 1 have been learning new skills and developing their mathema cal understanding in a variety of crea ve ways . They have soaked up knowledge when inves ga ng capacity using water , invested in learning about money , and filled every corner of their minds with the proper es and classifica on of 2D and 3D shapes . By using physical resources and interac ve ac vi es to support their learning , the children are able to apply their understanding to wri en work . Covering many areas including Shape , Space and Measure , Calcula ons , and Coun ng and Understanding Number , the children use coins , cubes , number beads and measuring equipment to help bring their learning to life . Poppy B . thinks Maths is good because it helped her to tell the me on an analogue and digital clock . Alfred loves using the number beads to help him solve place value problems with really big numbers !
‘ Maths is amazing fun ’ said Molly .