Kew Review 2018 | Page 103


Keyboard players of all abili es are welcome to join this club . The focus is on ensemble and duet playing , as well as understanding how the instrument works . Children learn to read musical nota on as part of this process , and there is an emphasis on finding notes accurately . The core


skills of rhythm and pitch are focused on where children learn to play as part of a group , rather than as a solo piano performer .

Kew Strings

Growing in strength every year , this an integral part of the Music Department . String Group are invited to all public performances , and the standard con nues to increase . String players who have passed Grade 1 are encouraged to join this group where reading musical nota on and playing as part of an ensemble is a key focus .
This choir learn challenging repertoire , exploring improvisa on , ensemble and solo singing through contemporary genres . They are invited to perform at many events during the year , such as : Open Morning , Kew Sparkle , Annual Spring Concert at St Anne ’ s Church , Summer Fair and

Kool Tunes Choir

Assemblies . Kool Tunes highlight the complexity of harmonic singing at Kew College where the standard is everincreasingly raised .

Kodu and Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi has offered the chance for children to learn how the hardware of a computer works and enabled them to control a car by programming . Kodu builds on the children ' s programming knowledge to make their own games in a 3D world . There is a

Lego chance to test each others ’ games and explore the world of Kodu - a very popular club .

Li le Golfers is run by Andy Li le PGA who was awarded an honourable men on in the U . S Kids Golf world top 50 coaches list in 2016-17 . Sessions are safe , ac ve and fun , using equipment designed for the school environment and playing team game structured golf
With new road map sheets the vehicles and wild inven ons have been amazing this year ! The children have free range to be as crea ve as they like and really enjoy expressing themselves in Lego Club . New bricks are added each week to keep the ideas flowing and the children love the world of Lego .

Li le Golfers

games . They learn about pu ng , chipping and driving the ball , and there is an opportunity to compete on a golf course against other schools each term , plus Bruce the Shark comes to visit .
M : Tech is a crea ve composi on course in which children create exci ng music using the latest music technologies . The course is available to all Junior House children and is suitable for all levels of musical ability .

M : Tech

Fun projects such as ‘ TV Adverts ’ and ‘ Music for Cartoons ’ are studied .