Kew Review 2018 | Page 49

Year 6


Bushcra 2017

Year 6 were very fortunate to start their year with an amazing residen al trip to Bushcra ! For two nights , the children camped in the Oxfordshire Woodlands . During their stay they were split into three tribes ; the first ac vity was to create a flag , a detailed tribe history and a tribal dance . It was hugely entertaining to watch ! The children learnt survival skills , shelter building , bush first aid , trap making , how to create a fire from scratch and ul mately the ability to work as a team . A par cular highlight was the swimming session ; the children were very courageous as they jumped into the cold lake ; the hot chocolate was much needed a erwards ! Year 6 showed great independence , leadership and resilience whilst camping and their posi ve a tude throughout the trip was wonderful to see .