Kew Review 2018 | Page 47

Year 6


Cycling Proficiency

Girls and boys in Year 6 took part in a week long course learning how to ride their bikes safely on the roads . They focused on pulling away safely and indica ng where they are going to other road users . All pupils found the course worthwhile and passed the test that was set at the end of the week ! A great life skill !

A Wrinkle in Time premiere !

How exci ng it was for four of our Year 6 girls to a end the gli ering premier of the Disney film ' A Wrinkle in Time ' where they met the fabulous A - list stars Oprah Winfrey , Reese Witherspoon and director Ava DuVernay . For the event , Disney collaborated with The Female Lead , a pla orm that celebrates the successes of women . The event opened with a panel discussion chaired by Lorraine Candy , style editor from the Sunday Times and included Edwina Dunn , the Founder of the Female Lead . Our girls were truly inspired to hear from female role models and to know that the stars are the limit .