Kew Review 2018 | Page 25

Year 4

In full stride

Year 4 is an ac on packed adventure ! The children gain greater independence and relish the opportuni es for challenge and growth . The trips and workshops are a highlight for many and we were once again treated to quite a few fantas c experiences this year , ranging from a day trip to The Victoria and Albert Museum , a two night residen al to Bowles Ac vity Centre , a workshop making a Viking Long Boat and stepping back in me at Butser Ancient Farm and The Verulamium Museum .

The Verulamium Museum

Year 4 visited the Verulamium Museum in St Albans to learn more about life in Britain during Roman mes . The pupils had the opportunity to explore the museum , handle Roman artefacts , try on Roman garb and see how a hypocaust hea ng system func oned . The interac ve museum provided fascina ng insights into daily Roman life and brought to life the topics covered in History lessons .
The Romans liked to go to the theatre and play board games . Jamie
Roman coins were made from silver , gold and bronze . Orla
Weapons were buried with Romans to protect them in the a erlife . Rudi
The Romans ate frogs , snails , clams , fruit and bread . Carla