Kerby Young Designs Magazine KYD Magazine January Issue | Page 5

Happy New Year Fashionistas!

Are you ready to explore fashion like never before? Are you ready to set trends, create

styles, stand out from the crowd, and strut to your own fashion rhythm? Well, I most

definitely am, and I know you are also- 2019 here we come!

So to get the ball rolling, first we have to decide what our fashion goals are for this

year? Having said that, it’s time to make our Fashion Resolutions for 2019.


Planning is the first step toward achieving any goal, and fashion is no different. So

simply decide what you would like to accomplish with fashion this year, and let’s get to


Personally, I would like to step up my fashion game. Yes, I want to create a fresh,

unique sense of style, and even set some fashion trends in the process. My very own

‘Neicy Style’.

One of my more significant goals for 2019, is finally achieving my lifelong dream of

becoming a Fashion Designer and creating my own fashion line. So stay tuned for it, I

promise to keep you updated on the progress of my journey.

So now it’s your turn. What is your aspiration in Fashion land this year? You need to

decide on your fashion goals before we can embark upon the next step of creating a

fashion action plan to get you started. We will discuss the building of the plan in the next


This year is going to be an amazing fashion year filled with fierce growth and fantastic

fashion experiences. So Buckle Up, Get ready and Enjoy the Fashion!

Happy New Year once again. As always I like to end with a positive quote, here is a little

reminder to keep in mind this year-

‘Let’s make 2019 our best year ever’.