Kerby Young Designs Magazine KYD Magazine January Issue | Page 47

challenge yourself to try a new recipe once every week. Research a few meals that is outside of your culture, and perfect it. As the months go by, I’ll continue to post a host of challenges that we can all partake in. Apart from the monthly challenges, I’ll like you to challenge yourself on a daily basis to smile more.

Your smile is actually the best curve on your body. Are you aware that it takes more muscles to frown than smile? Unfortunately, it does! 2018 taught me the importance of smiling. I used my smile to my advantage. I smiled when I felt pain, emotional distraught, stressed and to warm the heart of others. Admittedly, because I learned the power of a smile I’m actually brushing my teeth more especially with baking powder. Be enthused in wanting to find and embrace the next challenge. The next challenge can actually be as exciting as the previous one.

Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood. Slowly like the sunrise peeking over the horizon, so must we peek at success. Arise and begin your day as if it’s your

last day on earth. Dance without the sound of music, laugh as if your life is dependent on it, network with positive yet queer people, buy the pair of shoes without feeling guilty, sing while

you’re in the shower then progress to karaoke, eat healthier, exercise consistently, dye your hair without permission, live freely yet exercising caution and pay less to no emphasis to what others think or say about you. All of this is to say, “don’t just exist but commit yourself to living.

“Happy reading everyone!