Kerby Young Designs Magazine KYD Magazine January Issue | Page 37

Saché Koat

On 13 th June 2002 I stepped into this world, with no idea what my future had in store for me. Who could have imagined what I would have metamorphosized into today. I take nothing for granted. I thank God every day for the blessings that he has bestowed upon me. No man can intervene in the plans that he has designed for my life.

I am doggedly persistent in my drive to achieve my goals and dreams. Along the way there have been many challenges and tests that seemed insurmountable, but I am still standing victoriously today. My experiences have contributed to making me who I am today. When I entered the industry, I was another random face on the runway. I knew that I was destined for more, and began training with a clear focus.

Today I am a Miss Trinidad and Tobago Teen Awareness Top Model winner.

As you can imagine, I work hard to strike a balance between my extra-curricular passions, and my studies at Cowen Hamilton Secondary School. My academic goal is to become qualified as a Pediatrician, offering quality healthcare to the young people of our country, facilitating opportunities for them allow the potential that exists within them to blossom.

When I am not conquering the world by striving for excellence in my passions, I am a humble young lady from Brothers Road who spends time nurturing her creative side, performing monologues and plays,hiking, or answering the call of adventure. My life is not all action and excitement however. I often curl up with a good book, or spend time developing my relationships with my family, my friends and my God.

I am a strong willed and driven young lady who will become my generation’s Barack Obama of modeling while simultaneously excelling in other professional fields. The keys to my success will be maintaining my undaunted spirit, accepting nothing less than perfection from myself, learning from failure, loyalty,

and persistence. In the words of Bill Bradley, “Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle that you arrive in.”

I am Saché Koat, Trinbagonian by birth, and destined for international success by hard work. Today’s Miss Top Model, tomorrow’s Miss Universe.