Keo Pich Primary School | Page 6


Keo Pich Primary School is located in Keo Pich Village in the Chi Kreng District, of Siem Reap Province in Cambodia. The village has a population of 759 residents and is home to 177 families. They mostly rely on logging, and rice and cassava cultivation for their livelihoods. Keo Pich Village is severely challenged by poor infrastructure and a lack of alternative livelihoods.

Established in 2009, Keo Pich Primary School had 1 school building with 3 classrooms. The wooden building, initially built as a temporary measure, was fast deteriorating and posed a safety risk to the children. With poor workmanship and substandard materials, the building was in dire need of replacement. The building was not able to protect the children during the harsh weather conditions experienced by the village. The zinc roof meant that the classrooms would become unbearably hot during the hot season while during the rainy season, it would become very noisy. Furthermore, the classrooms were gloomy and lacking in basic amenities. This created an environment that was neither comfortable nor conducive to learning, thus students could not concentrate fully on their studies. The building was beyond repair, and a new building was urgently required. The students needed a positive learning space where they could meet their full potential and find joy in learning.