Kentucky Doc Winter 2016 | Page 13

doc Winter 2016 • Kentucky Analia Castellanos, M.D., is a member of the nephrology faculty at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine. Her father is a nephrologist in Honduras. Cleveland Clinic before returning to Honduras. In the 1980s, Plutarco was involved in the establishment and development of a knowledge base for nephrology in Latin America through the Central American Society of Neurology. However, over time, this society has dwindled through attrition, and he is hoping to be of assistance in building interest in the development of a nephrology society for Central America again. Outside of medicine, Analia is currently very involved with her daughters who are pursuing dance studies. The day of my interview, her daughters had just completed a ballet performance in Richmond, Ky. She and some of her siblings are very accomplished athletes. Analia remains a Honduran record-holder in swimming, and her two brothers swam for Honduras in the Olympics. Analia and her father have obviously built a significant medical bridge between the Department of Nephrology at the University Of Kentucky College Of Medicine and their home country of Honduras. They plan to continue strengthening and building this bridge in hopes of improving medical care for renal patients in Honduras, and also they hope to build a stronger knowledge and training relationship between their country and the University of Kentucky College of Medicine. It was a remarkable experience to engage with father and daughter in the daughter’s home and learn of the significant contributions of this family to medical care in Honduras. – Robert P. Granacher, Jr., M.D., M.B.A 13