Kentucky Doc Winter 2014 | Page 9

doc Winter 2014 • Kentucky is having healthy food options available at school celebrations. Courtney cites research showing that a recess with physical activity improves focus, behavior, and ability to learn when it is included in the schedule. One example of changing the system was the Coalition’s Better Bites program working with the four Lexington public swimming pools that have food concession stands. Did the Tweens Coalition’s efforts to change young people’s eating habits pay off? Well, in the summer of 2014, after four years of planning and marketing, the food concessions at these four pools found that fresh fruit outsold chicken nuggets three to one. It was the culmination of an effort during which the Coalition provided technical assistance in selection of foods that meet nutrition guidelines, helped with promotion and marketing, and interviewed pool patrons to see what they wanted. Aimed especially at small neighborhood stores, the GNS Network “acts as a liaison between residents, store owners and food suppliers to help increase the amount of healthy food stocked and make changes in store safety, appearance, and community relations,” according to the Tweens website. Volunteers are always welcome as are cash donations. For more information about the Tweens Coalition, go to their website, http://tweenslex. org. Another website Courtney recommends as one that doctors might well recommend to parents “and