Kentucky Doc Winter 2014 | Page 4

4 doc • Winter 2014 Kentucky Contents | Winter 2014 READONLINE: Obesity as a Disease: What Does the AMA Decision Mean? by Fiona Young-Brown 05 What Do D.O.s Do? Doctors of osteopathy have an added touch by Tanya J. Tyler 06 FROMTHEEDITOR Tweens Nutrition and Fitness Coalition “Exercise Is Miracle Grow for the Brain” by Martha Evans Sparks 08 The DOJ Increases Scrutiny of Whistleblower False Claims Act Suits by Emily M. Hord 10 Rehab for the Aging: The Orthopedic Center of Care at Sayre Christian Village PHYSICIAN HEALTH AND WELL BEING Helping Ourselves, Helping our Patients by John A. Patterson, MD, MSPH, FAAFP Tackling the obesity epidemic: Southern Obesity Summit, 2014 by Carolyn Dennis PROFILE IN COMPASSION 12 14 16 Finding a Way to Serve by John A. Patterson MD, MSPH, FAAFP Robert P. Granacher Jr., M.D., M.B.A., Editor-in-Chief (2015) Kentucky Doc Magazine Welcome to the winter edition of Kentucky Doc. I am excited to announce that the Lexington Medical Society will assume the focus and editorial direction of Kentucky Doc magazine, beginning with our upcoming Spring edition. We have the nucleus of a new editorial board, which is composed entirely of physicians. This is a work in progress, and our current goals are to redesign the editorial thrust and organization of Kentucky Doc magazine. In the upcoming iterations, we are planning a column authored by the LMS president, an advocacy column focusing upon our profession, and when appropriate, reviewing legislation that may impact medical practice. We also are planning a “hot topic” column for two physicians to take contrasting sides of a medical issue and debate the topic. Dr. Patterson will continue his columns on physician health/wellbeing and also highlight a compassionate physician in a separate column. We plan to broaden our current audience of Fayette County physicians to include those holding medical and osteopathic licenses to practice within the defined Central Kentucky area. As a result of this new focus, we will report what physicians are doing outside their workplace and also feature those organizations or facilities providing medical service within the Central Kentucky area. Currently under consideration is a section containing a science-based article featuring “clinical pearls.” Moreover, we hope to include a resident/medical student column with at least one issue yearly devoted to the beginning of each medical school year, and the remaining quarterly issues to feature resident’s and fellow’s pursuing postgraduate education. I will be assuming the Editor-in-Chief position and chair the LMS editorial board beginning January 1, 2015. Please allow me to present a call to action for all fellow physicians and osteopaths in the Central Kentucky area to become involved in this publication and we welcome opinion pieces written by our area physicians. It is the editorial board’s mission to develop a readable, interesting magazine written and edited by physicians for physicians practicing in Central Kentucky. Robert P. Granacher, Jr., M.D., M.B.A. Lexington 20 Giving Parkinson’s Disease the K.O. by Fiona Young-Brown Starting next issue, I will step down as Editor of Kentucky Doc Magazine. Dr. Granacher will assume Editor-in-Chief responsibilities. It has been a pleasure serving our readers and I wish Dr. Granacher the best. Please take a look at Dr. Granache ˊé