Kentucky Doc Winter 2014 | Page 12

12 doc • Winter 2014 Kentucky Rehab for the Aging: The Orthopedic Center of Care at Sayre Christian Village Everyone ages. We see it in ourselves, but especially in patients—when they come in for a consultation and we realize that, what they consider as “just aches and pains,” are actually progressive problems that need attention before they decrease quality of life. When this happens, seeking out special medical help might be the next necessary step. “The Orthopedic Center of Care at Sayre Christian Village has a specialized, separate unit that takes care of people with an orthopedic diagnosis,” explained Ann Phillips, Administrator at Sayre Christian Village. “Generally people stay in this unit anywhere between seven to fourteen days. We offer physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy. Most people [in the center] have to be able to withstand two hours of therapy a day. We have therapy available seven days a week. After being discharged home, if more therapy is needed, the facility also has outpatient therapy.” Some of the most common orthopedic issues include: • • • • Arthroplasty Back or shoulder surgery Regaining function after a serious injury Fall and balance issues What makes Sayre Christian Village especially unique is the focus on middle-aged to senior healthcare. Connected to Aegis Therapies, a leading healthcare company, Sayre has t HX