Kensington Parish News - Summer 2014 Jun. 2014 | Page 30

interview SCHOOLS taking an active role locally as well as having the opportunity to visit and experience other parts of the world without losing the focus on academic excellence in the Academy. How important is Christian ethos to the Academy? The Academy has a strong Christian ethos throughout that underpins the work across both the taught and non-taught curriculum. The daily life of the Academy presents opportunities for students to learn about Christian beliefs and engage in acts of worship, under the leadership of senior staff and our full-time Chaplain. There is a chapel for prayer, small services and personal reflection within the Academy building. The Academy has close relationships with local church leaders; students visit churches nearby moving house? require storage? • Highly experienced London based moving company • FREE quotations and advice • Comprehensive packing/unpacking service • Friendly male and female team (some French speaking) • Fully Insured • Disposal service/ electrician/handyman /cleaning service available • Established since 1999, family firm with regular team • Arrange parking permits if required • References available 10% DISCOUNT to discount to ici Londres readers london total removals 020 8367 8348 as part of the Religious Education syllabus and to celebrate the major festivals in the Christian calendar. I am looking forward to meeting both present and prospective parents and strengthening the bond the Academy has with local churches and primary schools. How can prospective parents find out more? If prospective parents would like to visit Chelsea Academy and meet staff and students, they are welcome to come to the Open Evening for year 7 entry on Thursday 25th September from 6pm to 9pm; the Sixth Form Open Evening is on Thursday 16th October. You can also get more information about Chelsea Academy and our supplementary application forms for Foundation (church) and Music aptitude places on our website www.chelsea-academy.o rg/admissions by emailing [email protected] EXCITING TIMES AND FOND FAREWELLS This September, the current Year 6 pupils at St Mary Abbots School will move off to start a new phase in their lives at secondary school. We asked some of the pupils to tell us about how they feel about this new beginning Jayden Moore Leaving primary school is going to be hard, but it’s all part of life. I will miss a lot of people, and it will be sad to leave St Mary Abbots School, but at the same time I am really looking forward to secondary. The last day of school will definitely be a day to remember, thinking back to all the times we had together and all the funny things that happened over the past seven years. As well as feeling excited about secondary school I’m not exactly confident, it will be a bit weird having to find all the classrooms since it’s such a big school which makes it very easy to get lost. Lucky for me my school is new so we’ll be the first year group - I guess you could say we’re at the top and bottom of the school! Life is definitely not going to be the same after the big transition, but it’s time for me to Jayden with the Bishop of Kensington move on with my life. I guarantee this will not be the last big step in my life and it will be the same for some of you. Company reg no. 04109912 Spring 2014 | 31