At this time of year, parents of year 6 and
year 11 children are preparing for their new
beginnings in September while year 5 parents
are starting to think about their secondary
school choices. Five years since opening,
Chelsea Academy are also preparing for exciting
new times. KPN editor Fiona Braddock talks to
their new Principal Matt Williams
continuing the great work that has been
done over the past 5 years in setting up
and developing Chelsea Academy as an
outstanding, local, church school. I have
already spent a few days in the Academy
and have been impressed by the dedication
of the staff, the calm and purposeful
learning environment and a commitment
from everyone to be the best they can.
Matt Williams - new principal
att, you have come to Chelsea
Academy from Quintin Kynaston
Academy in St John’s Wood how
do you feel about the prospect of leading
Chelsea Academy?
I am thrilled to be joining Chelsea Academy
at this exciting time and look forward to
28 | 2014 Spring
The academy is outstanding (Ofsted
and SIAS 2012) and oversubscribed in
year 7 and the sixth form. How has this
been achieved in such a short time?
Chelsea Academy combines traditional
values and high standards with an innovative
approach to learning and teaching and a
strong commitment to student leadership and
co-construction. Visitors to the Academy have
consistently commented on the ethos and
high standards of behaviour, enthusiasm for
learning and confidence of our students, as
well as the Academy’s £43m building. I am
keen to ensure that Chelsea Academy remains
at the heart of the community, with students
Chelsea Academy