Flora Gill tells us about
her exciting new business and how her
early years at St Mary Abbots informed her
decision to study Theology and
Philosophy at Oxford
St Mary Abbots was the first place that I
loved school - Sunday school. I remember
chanting back to the teacher David Banks,
‘the body wasn’t there” as he rolled away
an imaginary stone. It was the stories that
fascinated me, the parables and miracles. As
I grew up my interest evolved and I wanted to
know more. I remember a particular sermon
by Fr Gillian talking about the logos (the
word) at the beginning of John’s Gospel and
realizing that there was so much more depth
that I wanted to understand. It was then that
I decided I wanted to study Theology and
Philosophy at University.
his is the first year I’ve been out of
education; no teachers telling me
what to do, no syllabus telling me
where to go. It’s scary. New beginnings can
be frightening, which is one of the reasons I
founded Tuck in the Box. I set up a company
called Tuck in the Box that sells care packages
for relatives and friends to send to students:
revision boxes, celebration boxes, or starting
school/uni’ boxes. (
26 | 2014 Spring
I didn’t think I was smart enough to get
into any of the good ones but it was my
grandma Ethne Rudd who really encouraged
me to go for Oxford, to really push myself.
Through my life she gave me confidence and
encouraged me.