Kensington Parish News - Summer 2014 Jun. 2014 | Page 2

Summer 2014 Contents 7 Vicar’s Voice - Rev’d David Walsh 10 The Dalgarno Trust - Pippa Currey We build our mortgages around you 12 Study Leave - Rev’d David Walsh All homes are different. The same applies to the need for home financing. Therefore we offer individual and flexible solutions for all your mortgage needs and requirements. We will find the best financial solution to suit your needs whether buying a new home or remortgaging. 18 Confirmation - Ioana Bozan and Alison Steele Contact our Kensington branch where we will be delighted to talk to you about your specific requirements. Tom Fuller - Branch Manager Tel: 0207 937 1028, e: [email protected] Andy Gillett – Corporate Manager Tel: 0207 937 1032, email: [email protected] Julie-Ann Thompson - Individual Banking Manager Tel: 0207 937 1036, email: [email protected] Luke Stower - Individual Banking Manager Tel: 0207 937 1043, email: [email protected] Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. Second Floor, 125 Kensington High Street London W8 5SF Tel: 0207 937 1007 Registered Office: Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ), 3 Thomas More Square, London, E1W 1WY. VAT Registration No. GB524 9824 25. Registered in England and Wales No. BR 000589. Incorporated in Sweden with limited liability. Registered in Sweden No. 502007-7862. Head Office in Stockholm. Authorised by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen) and the Prudential Regulation Authority and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. Details about the extent of our authorisation and regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority, and regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority are available from us on request. 14 Building Project at Christ Church - Bonnie Rozorio 21 From the Archive - Jane MacAllan 24 Restoration at SMA - Rev’d Gillean Craig 26 Boxing Clever - Flora Gill 28 Chelsea Academy - Matt Williams 31 Fond Farewells - SMA Year 6 In this issue, as we prepare for summer, we are thinking about new beginnings; in our schools our year sixes are preparing to move up to secondary school, Rev’d David Walsh returned from sabbatical and candidates from across the parish were confirmed. We also feature exciting new developments at Christ Church and hear from Flora Gill an Oxford graduate and entrepreneur whose formative years were spent at St Mary Abbots. Would readers wishing to submit articles for our next issue Autunm 2014 or would like to advertise in the KPN (all proceeds to the church) please email [email protected] Editors: Fiona Braddock and Olga Pantyukhova. Printed by Print Express. Distributed free through our three parish churches. Copyright remains the property of the respective authors. Heartfelt thanks, as always, to all our contributors.